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Create unit set and assign it to your unit.

Create unit set.

Unit sets are useful to group units. One of the purposes of unit sets is to create a validation set to test services.

  1. Press the + button on the "Unit-sets" page: Webhook site with uuids

  2. Enter the service title, set Update Strategy to Minimize unit restarts, and optional color for this set:
    Webhook site with uuids
    The result is shown below:
    Webhook site with uuids

Add unit to the unit set.

  1. Go to Unit Details Page and click on manage unit-sets icon: Webhook site with uuids
  2. In popup select your validation set and press the "Save" button: Webhook site with uuids

Now, the provisioned unit is in the created unit set. This unit will receive any SOTA and FOTA updates without additional approvals. Webhook site with uuids