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IAM interactions

The main functions of IAM are to provide identification information, keys, and certificates for different system components. For automotive systems, IAM uses the VIS identifier (visidentifier). For other systems, IAM uses the file identifier to provide identification information.

Typical IAM certificate storage configuration looks as follows:



  • iam – IAM certificate storage
  • online – online certificate storage used by SM to communicate with AosCloud
  • offline – offline certificate storage used by SM to decrypt services, updates, and other offline operations
  • cm – CM certificate storage
  • sm – SM certificate storage
  • um – UM certificate storage

iam, sm, um and online certificate storages use ECC algorithm to create keys and have a maximum of one certificate. offline certificate storage uses the RSA algorithm to create keys and is limited to four items.


Initially, all IAM certificate storages are empty. The provisioning script generates keys, certificates for each certificate storage during the provisioning procedure. If the IAM certificate storage is empty IAM starts its servers in insecure mode to allow the provisioning script to connect to it. Once the provisioning is finished, IAM restarts and uses a secure connection for all its servers. See Provisioning script interaction for detail.

SM uses IAM to retrieve information about online, offline certificate locations, renew certificates in different storages. See Communication Manager interaction for detail. SM uses IAM to register service permissions. See Service Manager interaction for details. FS uses IAM to get service permissions. See Functional server interaction for detail.

CM uses IAM to get system identification, online key and certificate to connect to the cloud, and offline key and certificate to decrypt services, updates, etc. The communication sequence looks as follows:

CMCMIAMIAMGetSystemInfoSystem InfoGetCert(online)online key, cert URLsGetCert(offline)offline key, cert URLs

AosCloud can initiate the renewal of expiring certificates. This is done through CM. In this case, CM creates keys and applies certificate APIs as follows:

CMCMMain IAMMain IAMRemote IAMRemote IAMCreateKey main storageCSR main storageApplyCert main storageOK main storageCreateKey remote storageCreateKey remote storageCSR remote storageCSR remote storageApplyCert remote storageApplyCert remote storageOK remote storageOK remote storage