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Storage components


The AosEdge Cloud operates with different types of data. These types can be divided by persistence.

PermanentThis type of persistence contains information about AosEdge objects like units, fleets, users, services, certificates, settings, etc. Such data can be stored in databases or on BLOB storage (S3, Azure BLOB, etc.). Parts of data can be moved to archive storage.
Data with TTLThis is monitoring and other time series information stored with predefined retention periods.
Session dataSuch type of data is stored only for active sessions. E.g., unit current connection information.
Temporary dataThe data in transit or in processing. E.g., update packages (SOTA, FOTA) during uploading or processing

Permanent data

The permanent data reflects the current system state and consists from:

  • system object records and their relations stored in an RDBMS.
  • audit records that contain information about all significant changes in objects and responsible AosEdge Cloud user and timestamp. This data is stored in a separate database.
  • SOTA and FOTA packages (updates, services, service layers) and downloaded unit logs. These are large file objects that are stored on BLOB storage. Such files are encrypted (independently of the storage encryption state).

Data with TTL

Such type of data mainly consists of monitoring data. These are unit monitoring and AosCloud Edge monitoring data. Such data is stored in time-series optimized databases. The retention periods are the settings of the AosEdge Cloud

Session data

The session data consists of information about units' connections.

HTTP sessions are not used. Every HTTP REST API connection is stateless, and for authentication, mTLS is used.

Temporary data

This is the file cache used for file processing (e.g., for uploading file cache, for file processing and encryption, etc).