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AKS threat model

Azure AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) Threat Model

Threat modeling is a systematic approach to identifying and mitigating potential security threats to a system. In the case of Azure AKS, the following are some potential threats to consider:

  1. Unauthorized Access to the AKS Cluster:
    • Threat: Attackers gaining unauthorized access to the AKS cluster management plane or API server.
    • Mitigation:
      • Implement strong authentication mechanisms, such as Azure Active Directory integration or Kubernetes RBAC (Role-Based Access Control).
      • Use strong and unique credentials for cluster administration.
      • Limit network access to the AKS control plane by leveraging Azure Network Security Groups or virtual network isolation.
  2. Container Vulnerabilities and Exploits:
    • Threat: Vulnerabilities in container images or the underlying host OS could be exploited, leading to unauthorized access or privilege escalation.
    • Mitigation:
      • Regularly scan container images for known vulnerabilities using tools like Azure Container Registry Vulnerability Scanning or third-party vulnerability scanners.
      • Keep container images and underlying host OS up to date with security patches and updates.
      • Implement security best practices like running containers with minimal privileges and applying pod security policies.
  3. Container Escape:
    • Threat: Attackers escaping the container and gaining access to the underlying host or other containers.
    • Mitigation: Enable Pod Security Policies (PSPs) or use the Kubernetes Admission Controller to enforce container runtime security and limit privileges within the container. Regularly update and patch the host operating system and container runtime to mitigate known vulnerabilities.
  4. Insecure Cluster Configuration:
    • Threat: Misconfigured AKS clusters can expose sensitive resources or provide avenues for privilege escalation.
    • Mitigation:
      • Follow security best practices and harden cluster configurations.
      • Restrict access to sensitive Kubernetes resources like secrets and ConfigMaps.
      • Implement network policies to control pod-to-pod communication within the cluster.
      • Regularly review and audit cluster configurations to identify and remediate any misconfigurations.
  5. Data Exposure and Leakage:
    • Threat: Unauthorized access or leakage of sensitive data stored or processed within the AKS cluster.
    • Mitigation:
      • Encrypt sensitive data at rest and in transit using appropriate encryption mechanisms.
      • Implement network isolation and access controls to limit data exposure.
      • Utilize Azure Key Vault or similar solutions to securely manage and store secrets and sensitive configuration data.
      • Regularly monitor and review logs and audit trails for any indicators of data leakage or unauthorized access.
  6. Insider Threats:
    • Threat: Unauthorized actions or misuse of privileges by authorized personnel with access to the AKS cluster.
    • Mitigation:
      • Implement the principle of least privilege by assigning appropriate roles and permissions to users and regularly reviewing access rights.
      • Implement multi-factor authentication for cluster administrators.
      • Monitor user activities and implement auditing mechanisms to detect and respond to suspicious or unauthorized actions.
      • Educate personnel on security best practices and establish clear policies and procedures for acceptable use of the AKS cluster.
  7. Compromised Credentials:
    • Threat: Attackers obtaining and misusing compromised credentials to gain unauthorized access.
    • Mitigation: Enforce strong password policies, enable multi-factor authentication (MFA), and regularly rotate and secure credentials. Monitor and log authentication attempts to detect and respond to any suspicious activity.
  8. Supply chain attacks:
    • Secure Image Sources:
      • Use trusted and verified sources for container images, such as official registries or trusted repositories.
      • Employ a strong image validation process, ensuring that images come from trusted publishers.
      • Enable image signing and verification mechanisms, such as Docker Content Trust or Notary, to verify the integrity and authenticity of images.
    • Vulnerability Management:
      • Regularly scan container images for known vulnerabilities using vulnerability scanning tools and services.
      • Monitor and subscribe to vulnerability databases and security alerts to stay informed about potential vulnerabilities in the software components used in container images.
      • Regularly update container images to include the latest security patches and updates.
    • Image Verification and Integrity:
      • Implement container image signing and verification mechanisms to ensure the integrity of images throughout the supply chain.
      • Utilize cryptographic signatures to verify the authenticity and integrity of images, ensuring that they have not been tampered with.
    • Secure Build Environment:
      • Secure the build environment used to create container images by following security best practices, such as:
        • Regularly updating build tools and dependencies.
        • Implementing strict access controls and monitoring for the build environment.
        • Applying least privilege principles to restrict access and privileges within the build environment.
    • Immutable Infrastructure:
      • Utilize immutable infrastructure practices, where container images are built once and are not modified or updated directly in production.
      • Implement processes and mechanisms to ensure that only authorized and validated images are deployed to production environments.
    • Continuous Monitoring and Incident Response:
      • Implement comprehensive monitoring solutions to detect any anomalies or suspicious activities within the container environment.
      • Establish incident response plans and processes to swiftly respond to and mitigate any detected supply chain attacks.
      • Regularly review and analyze logs, monitoring data, and audit trails to identify potential security incidents and take appropriate actions.
    • Employee Awareness and Training:
      • Educate employees and stakeholders about container supply chain risks and the importance of following secure practices.
      • Promote a culture of security awareness, emphasizing the need for vigilance and reporting any suspicious activities or vulnerabilities.