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Azure AosEdge infrastructure diagram

The AosEdge infrastructure functional diagram is a visual representation that illustrates the architecture and components of an application. It helps stakeholders understand the structure, flow, and interactions within the resources. Here's a functional diagram below of the AosEdge infrastructure diagram:

Brief explanation

Public AosCloud Web UI and API are available through TLS and mTLS HTTP connections

The AosCloud application interacts via the private endpoints with:

  • Application Storage Accounts
  • PostgreSQL database
  • Key Vaults
  • Message-queue AMQPs queue

Units consume 3 types of connections:

  • API mTLS HTTP connection to obtain information on the message-queue AMQPs queue.
  • AMQPs connection to communicate with AosCloud
  • AosCore (Unit) interacts with CDN in case of downloading files

Kubernetes cluster interacts via the private endpoints with:

  • Infrastructure Storage Accounts (backups)
  • Log analytics workspace
  • Container registry